

Today's Hours

Book a Discussion Room (Main Library)

A discussion room can be booked by reserving a computer and can be booked for 60-minute sessions. You have to sign into the discussion rooms computer at your appointed booking time, in order to keep hold of your room reservation. Logging out of the computer in the discussion room ends your session in the room.

You can reserve a computer in the library by going to the following address: https://mypcbooking.uwc.ac.za/cire/SignIn.aspx

Use your network credentials to login to the reservation system as well as to login to a computer in the library.  Your username (and associated password) is the same one that you use to login to iKamva. If you can’t remember your password you can reset it at the following address: https://mypassword.uwc.ac.za

Book a Research Appointment

Meet one on one with a librarian / functional expert and get help with your research.

Library Video Tutorials

   UWC Library Channel